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Step into Python for Data Science
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How to use the platform
Quiz (are you ready?)
Welcome to the Course
Mobile App
Topics in this section
Steps you should follow
How to complete a lesson
How to get a certificate
How to be successful in this course
What is true learning?
Tell me the steps to success, Dr. Raheem!
My journey to Python
Why should you learn from me?
Final advices
Finding Python and its Usage
Python Script Example
Installing Anaconda Python system
Anaconda Navigator
Jupyter Notebook Part 1
Jupyter Notebook Part 2
Jupyter Notebook Part 3
Jupyter Notebook on Google
(Optional) Jupyter Notebook on Databricks Community
What Notebook Environment to Use?
Concept of Objects intro
Data and Objects
What does a computer do with data?
How does Python program work?
Understanding objects intro
Understanding objects Examples (1,2)
Understanding objects Example (3)
Remarks about objects
Computer's perspective
Google Colab activity
Object types and data structures intro
What is meant by data type?
Inspecting data type
Google Colab activity
Primitive data types
Objects belong to a class
Google Colab activity
Summary of Objects
Object versus Class
Concept of Data Structures
Introduction to Variables
Data Structures Intuition
List Data Structure (1)
List Data Structure (2)
List Data Structure: Summary
List Data Structure: Colab
Dictionary Data Structure (1)
Dictionary Data Structure (2)
Dictionary Data Structure (3)
Dictionary Data Structure (4)
Dictionary Data Structure (5)
Dictionary Data Structure: Summary
Dictionary Data Structure: Colab
Set Data Structure (1)
Set Data Structure (2)
Set Data Structure: Summary
Set Data Structure: Colab (1)
Set Data Structure: Colab (2)
Tuple Data Structure (1)
Tuple Data Structure (2)
Tuple Data Structure: Summary
Tuple Data Structure: Colab
Overall Summary of Data Structures in Python
Quiz 1
Arithmetic Operators in Python
Truncating, Exponentiating, Modulo Operators
Google Colab Activity
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Quiz 2 (Operators)
Quiz 3 (Operators)
Conditional Execution with if-then-else
Intuition: if-elif-else clauses (1)
Intuition: if-elif-else clauses (2)
Practical Example (letter grade)
Google Colab Activity
Quiz 4 (Conditional execution)
Practical Challenge #1
Solutions to Practical Challenge #1
Introduction to looping
Intro to for loop
Slicing the list and extracting items
Concept of iterator and iterable
Using range in for loop
for loop the pythonic way
More on Iterable and iterator
Example for you to try (home work)
Intro to Enumerate (home work)
Quiz 5 (repeating with for loop)
Practical Challenge #2
Solutions to Practical Challenge #2
Intro to while loop
Examples of while loop
Why while loop is needed?
Google colab activity
break, continue, and pass statements
Google colab activity
Gentle intro to functions (coding)
Gentle intro to functions (theory)
Home work
Quiz 6 (While loop in progress)
Attributes and methods
Example of methods of an object
Example of methods of a string object
Working with List
Looping through the elements of a list
Slicing a list
Adding an element to a list
Dropping an element from a list
Knowledge check: Try yourself (1)
Concatenating lists
Getting length of a list
Checking if a list is empty
List comprehension
Knowledge check: Try yourself (2)
Quiz 7 (Working with Lists)
Quiz 8 (List Comprehension)
Working with tuples
Tuple unpacking
Colab activity: tuple unpacking
Quiz 9 (Working with Tuple)
Working with dictionary
Iterating over a dictionary
Creating a dictionary with for loop
Creating a dictionary with dictionary comprehension
Dictionary Example 1
Dictionary Example 2
Your turn
Home work
Quiz 10 (Working with dictionary)
Working with sets
Add and remove elements of a set
Other set operations
Formal introduction to functions
Scope of variables
Built-in functions and Lambda functions
Quiz 11 (Functions)
Module intro
Outline of topics in OOP
Introduction to OOP
Key concepts in OOP
Classes and Objects
Constructors and attributes
Class methods
Your turn
Intro to Modules and Libraries
Built-in and custom modules
Importing modules
End of this course and what's next
How to use the platform
Quiz (are you ready?)
Welcome to the Course
Mobile App
Topics in this section
Steps you should follow
How to complete a lesson
How to get a certificate
How to be successful in this course
What is true learning?
Tell me the steps to success, Dr. Raheem!
My journey to Python
Why should you learn from me?
Final advices
Getting/Creating Python Environment
Finding Python and its Usage
Python Script Example
Installing Anaconda Python system
Anaconda Navigator
Jupyter Notebook Part 1
Jupyter Notebook Part 2
Jupyter Notebook Part 3
Jupyter Notebook on Google
(Optional) Jupyter Notebook on Databricks Community
What Notebook Environment to Use?
Concept of Objects
Concept of Objects intro
Data and Objects
What does a computer do with data?
How does Python program work?
Understanding objects intro
Understanding objects Examples (1,2)
Understanding objects Example (3)
Remarks about objects
Computer's perspective
Google Colab activity
Concept of Object types and Class
Object types and data structures intro
What is meant by data type?
Inspecting data type
Google Colab activity
Primitive data types
Objects belong to a class
Google Colab activity
Summary of Objects
Object versus Class
Data Structures in Python
Concept of Data Structures
Introduction to Variables
Data Structures Intuition
List Data Structure
List Data Structure (1)
List Data Structure (2)
List Data Structure: Summary
List Data Structure: Colab
Dictionary Data Structure
Dictionary Data Structure (1)
Dictionary Data Structure (2)
Dictionary Data Structure (3)
Dictionary Data Structure (4)
Dictionary Data Structure (5)
Dictionary Data Structure: Summary
Dictionary Data Structure: Colab
Set Data Structure
Set Data Structure (1)
Set Data Structure (2)
Set Data Structure: Summary
Set Data Structure: Colab (1)
Set Data Structure: Colab (2)
Tuple Data Structure
Tuple Data Structure (1)
Tuple Data Structure (2)
Tuple Data Structure: Summary
Tuple Data Structure: Colab
Overall Summary of Data Structures in Python
Quiz 1
Arithmetic and other Operators in Python
Arithmetic Operators in Python
Truncating, Exponentiating, Modulo Operators
Google Colab Activity
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Quiz 2 (Operators)
Quiz 3 (Operators)
Conditional Execution
Conditional Execution with if-then-else
Intuition: if-elif-else clauses (1)
Intuition: if-elif-else clauses (2)
Practical Example (letter grade)
Google Colab Activity
Quiz 4 (Conditional execution)
Practical Challenge #1
Solutions to Practical Challenge #1
Repeating with for Loop
Introduction to looping
Intro to for loop
Slicing the list and extracting items
Concept of iterator and iterable
Using range in for loop
for loop the pythonic way
More on Iterable and iterator
Example for you to try (home work)
Intro to Enumerate (home work)
Quiz 5 (repeating with for loop)
Practical Challenge #2
Solutions to Practical Challenge #2
Repeating with while Loop
Intro to while loop
Examples of while loop
Why while loop is needed?
Google colab activity
break, continue, and pass statements
Google colab activity
Gentle intro to functions (coding)
Gentle intro to functions (theory)
Home work
Quiz 6 (While loop in progress)
Working with List data structure
Attributes and methods
Example of methods of an object
Example of methods of a string object
Working with List
Looping through the elements of a list
Slicing a list
Adding an element to a list
Dropping an element from a list
Knowledge check: Try yourself (1)
Concatenating lists
Getting length of a list
Checking if a list is empty
List comprehension
Knowledge check: Try yourself (2)
Quiz 7 (Working with Lists)
Quiz 8 (List Comprehension)
Working with Tuple data structure
Working with tuples
Tuple unpacking
Colab activity: tuple unpacking
Quiz 9 (Working with Tuple)
Working with Dictionary data structure
Working with dictionary
Iterating over a dictionary
Creating a dictionary with for loop
Creating a dictionary with dictionary comprehension
Dictionary Example 1
Dictionary Example 2
Your turn
Home work
Quiz 10 (Working with dictionary)
Working with Set data structure
Working with sets
Add and remove elements of a set
Other set operations
Formal Introduction to Functions
Formal introduction to functions
Scope of variables
Built-in functions and Lambda functions
Quiz 11 (Functions)
Object Oriented Programming and Classes
Module intro
Outline of topics in OOP
Introduction to OOP
Key concepts in OOP
Classes and Objects
Constructors and attributes
Class methods
Your turn
Modules and Libraries
Intro to Modules and Libraries
Built-in and custom modules
Importing modules
Final Project (Practical Challenge #3)
In Closing
End of this course and what's next
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